#6: My 6 Favourite K-pop Dance Choreographies

Hello Everyone!! Midterm exam is coming and I believe that everybody is stressing out right now. After doing non-stop revision for many hours. I bet you might be tired and stiffed, and during the break time we will do some activities that can relieve stress for a while. My way to relieve stress, which I guess it’s different from others, is dancing!

It might sound weird to dance in order to relieve stress during break time, but this activity works well with me because I get to move my stuffed body after sitting for a long time and listen to my favourite song at the same time. For this week’s blog, I would like to introduce my top 6 favourite K-pop dance choreography, rank from the hardest to easiest one!

I usually dance to k-pop boy band choreography, Mostly BTS (you should check out their new song ‘DNA’, the song is sooo good) so I will mostly introduce boyband’s choreography and some of the girl group’s choreography.

Let’s get started!

  1. BTS ‘Not Today’

(cr: soompi)

Let’s start with the hardest one from My favourite boy band, BTS ‘Not Today’. I would say that this song has the hardest choreography I have ever tried since the beat is quite fast so you cannot really count numbers while trying to dance along, you need to only listen to the music and lyrics instead. 

Another obstacles for me to try to learn the choreography is over 30 backup dancers are dancing at the back, which sometimes distract me when I try to focus on the singers.Also, the choreography required a lot of fast footwork which is hard to try to dance along from the first time. This took me one whole month to learn the choreography, but still struggle for some moves.

For me, the highlight of the choreography is the super fast footwork during the chorus part. I am literally shocked when I watched at on the first time.

Here’s the gif picture of the fast footwook (prepare to get shock)

Now, let’s watch the full choreography of Not Today!

2. BTS ‘Blood, Sweat and Tears’

   Among all the choreographies, This one makes me run out of energy. During the chorus part you have to jump and spin around unstoppingly which is really confusing to dance along at first. the hard thing for this choreography is the dance requires leg strength in order to not collapse while dancing. I used 3 weeks to be able to dance accurately to this song.

The highlight part of the choreography is the chorus part ( I got so confused when I try to learn the dance, too much spinning and jumping).

Here’s the full choreography!

3.  Wanna One ‘Energetic’

Here comes the boyband that always appears on my every blog (lol), Wanna One!. The choreography for Energetic is really interesting and enjoyable for me because the choreography goes really well with the song and uses lots of techniques for each dance move. Also, the hardest part for the dance is that there are lots of isolations and you need to move during every single beat, means that in order to dance correctly do need to memorize all the moves. For the duration, I only took one and a half weeks to learn the choreography.

The highlight of the dance, for me is the part ‘I’m feeling so energetic’ and the last chorus part.

Let’s check out the full choreography!

4. Produce101 ss2 Concept Evaluation ‘Never’

My favourite concept evaluation song from PD101 ss2, ‘Never’ choreography is well choreographed with creative gimmicks. I don’t how to explain this … but personally I think that it is quite hard to dance and looks same with the original performance, I also cannot copy exactly the specific dance moves. For this song, it took me 5 days to be able to learn properly.

The highlight part of the dance for this song is the last part of the 1st and 2nd chorus part and the one before last chorus part. The choreography mostly plays the gimmick of switching positions.

‘Never’ full live performance

5. Wanna One ‘Burn it up’

Another song from Wanna One, ‘Burn it up’, also have a very cool choreography. The song is quite fast so you are not able to count numbers (again) but need listen to the beats and lyrics. The song might don’t suit the girls because it is quite a manly choreography, even for me, I cannot do properly for some specific dances that require both leg and arm strength. Moreover, both the choreography and the song are very enjoyable to watch, even to dance randomly along since there are lots of interesting dance moves appears throughout the performance as the highlights. This song took me 3 days to be able to dance accurately.

The highlight parts of the dance moves are at the chorus part and the last bridge part. Both are very very cool, especially the last one!

‘Burn it up’ Full dance practice video!

6. Red Velvet ‘Red Flavor

The last one is my recent favourite dance choreography from girl group, Red Velvet ‘Red Flavor’! The song with lively summer vibes is very catchy and the dance moves are very cute. For the beginners (girls) who would practice dancing, I would like to recommend this dance because it is easy to follow along. For this song, I took only 4 hours to finish the whole song.
The highlight part for this song is the cute dance steps from the chorus part.

Since there is no full dance practice video, let’s watch the full live performance video!

Here comes the end of this blog. Feel free to comment on the comment section about your favourite dance choreography and ….

See you next time~ 👊👊


  1. I love all the song choices, especially Energetic! Whenever I am feeling unmotivated, I listen to it so it can lift my spirit. Also, thank you for the choreography! I will learn some of it so I can dance along and not stress too much.

    1. Hehe, Hope that you can relief stress well by dancing! and let's join with us while Wan and I dance! Thanks for sharing thoughts 💕

